Sunday, August 13, 2023

Living (2022)

Living is a 2022 remake of the 1952 Kurosawa masterpiece. I was afraid I'd be disappointed in this movie, since I'm such an admirer of the original, but I can't praise this film highly enough. Highly recommended. I watched it on Netflix.


Reviews are universally glowing. Seriously, watch this movie the first chance you get.


The feeder is about empty, and I'll refill it later, but there's a hummingbird there now if you zoom in:

Here's a 6-second video:


  1. So lovely to see your humming bird, so beautiful TFS, Valerie

    1. They are so cute, buzzing around like gigantic bees lol

  2. ...we have a feeder that I can't find, but we have a number of hummingbirds that visit the flowers in our garden.

    1. I rarely see more than one, but I try to plant flowers they'll like in case I'm slow refilling the feeder.

  3. I loved this movie. And your garden and hummingbird are gorgeous

  4. I haven't seen the film, but nice hummingbird video. Mine have been draining my feeder in no time-probably getting ready for the flight south. Have a great Sunday Nita.

    1. Yes, they are getting ready. I'm seeing more than one at a time now, which I rarely see during the height of the summer.

  5. Too bad I don't have Netflix. I was intrigued by the trailer.

    LOVE your garden, saw the hummingbird and saw it at the feeder in the video. Really enjoyed seeing another part of your incredible patio. Just awesome.

    1. The hummingbirds are delightful. I'll miss them. Most of what we get are house sparrows, which are non-native and discourage native birds by their very numbers. Mourning doves are our next most common bird.

  6. High praise recommendation for this movie ... I'll check out a source for us. I could see the Hummer in the still photo - such a delight to have these tiny visitors. Does your Purple Coneflower attack Finches to your garden? Once the cones are set in seed we get lots of Yellow Finches feasting on them, it's why I let them grow in abundance.

    1. The house finches (or maybe purple finches... I can't tell the difference) come to the hummingbird feeder. Nothing I do attracts goldfinches. We've had a couple maybe three times in the past. I do let them go to seed, though, just in case.

  7. I saw this in the theatre last winter. I loved it. Darned close to a perfect movie, and maybe not even close. Nighy.... sigh. Such a beautiful, nuanced performance. This one stays with you long after you leave the theatre -- or the television.

    1. Yes! More people should experience this movie.
