Saturday, August 19, 2023

Shetland 42

This 42 is on a building in Norway visited by Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez and Detective Sergeant Alison "Tosh" Macintosh as part of their investigation into a murder. Shetland is an excellent award-winning British television series, and we get them on DVD as they are released so we can re-watch them as the mood strikes us. This screen shot is from the third episode of the fourth season. The series should be watched from the beginning.


  1. ...I love BBC mysteries, but understanding their English can be difficult.

  2. Oh, I love this show. One of my favorites--along with Vera--lol! On IMDb it looks like there should be another season coming. Doesn't say it is done yet. I hope not! I'll probably re-watch season seven before I watch the new one whenever it comes out. :)

    1. This and Vera are both favorites here, too. I hate when I find out I'm in the last season of something I enjoy.

  3. At least you are still finding 42s. Clever you. It sounds like an amazing series and seems to have been on BBC quite awhile.

    1. Yes, this kind of series sometimes shows up on the local public tv channel, but with streaming I like that it's there when I want it.

  4. I've read at least one of these books, and they're excellent reads! Happy Saturday,

  5. Replies
    1. I've seen several lately I didn't go back and get screenshots of, and now I've forgotten where I found them :(

  6. I love Shetland! I've seen that episode -- I remember that building!
