Saturday, August 12, 2023

Avatar: The Way of Water

Avatar: The Way of Water is a 2022 American epic science fiction sequel film directed and produced by James Cameron. It is pretty -very, very pretty- but that's all it has going for it in my opinion. I thought it would never end! But it is pretty.


Roger Ebert's site has a positive 3.5 out of 4 stars review. 92% of Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews are positive.


This is my several years old redbud tree that I'm trying to grow in a pot. So far, so good, but I wish I could find a larger pot.


  1. ...the pot looks more than adequate for a while.

    1. If I wait til the tree gets bigger I won't be able to move it. And the tree is currently rootbound. I have to soak it daily. It needs potting up, preferable this year.

  2. We enjoyed Avatar. One of those mindless movies that you don't really have to concentrate on the story. That's a really big pot do they make them bigger than that? I thought a kiddie pool might work, but I suppose that's not deep enough.

    1. Yes, it's not deep enough. I need something at least this deep and a few inches bigger across.

  3. I watched part of the film, but as Shakespeare Said - 'much ado about nothing'. That pot is huge aready. I hope you get what you are looking for. Valerie

  4. I liked that movie.
    You must find a pot. Do you bring it in in winter? Otherwise you could cut off the bottom, and set it into the ground. (Trying to think outside the box, or pot! ) I used to have a 100lb jade plant in a HUGE pot. I moved too many times to keep it.

    1. It stays outside. I don't have room in my flowerbed for it, which is why it's in a pot. The patio has narrow beds on the patio edges, but not really room for a tree.

  5. Avatar -- I couldn't wait for it to end.

  6. It was too long - I watched it in 2 sessions. And a bit predictable, but I didn't mind it. I have an old fig tree that finally repotted last year, and I'm not sure my new pot is much bigger either. But finding big pots, or affordable big pots, is hard. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I lucked into 2 of these huge pots at Tuesday morning for under $20. It never occurred to me it would eventually not be big enough :(

  7. It was okay but I had several questions that were never really explained or I missed them, I guess. How did the bad guy's child end up living there? I do not remember him having a child at all being mentioned in the first movie. And where did Sigourney Weaver's child pop up out of the blue? Same thing--I don't remember her having a child, either. How were the bad guy and Sigourney saved from death? Why were the blue people, who lived in the water and previously seemed to be able to be underwater forever without needing air, suddenly so afraid of water at the end inside the ship? If anyone should have been able to stay calm and deal with being underwater it would have been them, right? If the mother tree in the first one connected EVERYTHING (my impression)--how can there be other mother trees on the planet? And I never understood where the core or the other mother tree actually was in this new Water area of the planet. I had so many questions.

    The special effects and the world was fascinating and beautiful--like in the first one--but the plot seemed a bit janky to me. And we are left prepared for the next one--at least they kind of explained how the villain miraculously survived this time--which was also truly unbelievable. Even if I had watched it again I don't think I would have gotten satisfactory answers to a lot of my questions...and it was a long one, yes. This one felt more like a typical CG action film in a lot of parts than the first one did. Less worried about making sense or having a plot and more interested in the action and violence, if you know what I mean.

    What about a big square planter box of some kind with a liner or could be lined. They can come big and deep. It's hard to find actual regular pots that large. It looks beautiful! You definitely wouldn't want to lose it. Have a nice weekend.

    1. You paid way more attention to the plot than I did lol I just gave up and watched the visual display.

      I'd love a square pot but can't find _any_ pot big enough :(

  8. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I don't know if you have Old Time Pottery stores in your area but they have some truly huge pots. I planted a Red Bud in the front yard it was about 7 feet tall when I planted it. It got to about 16 ft tall the trunk maybe 6in in diameter, really pretty with beautiful flowers. About 5 years ago a heavy wet snow storm tilted the whole tree, must have broke a bunch of the roots so that I have to keep prune the dead stuff from the right side of the tree. My wife says it's ugly but it's my ugly tree.

    1. I wish I could put mine in the ground... They are native here, and I grew up with them. I'm with you! Your tree has _character_ :)

  9. Avatar was one of those shows I wanted to watch. After your review, now I'm not so sure.

    Large pots are expensive. I would check with a nursery or landscape company to see if they have a pot left from when they installed a large tree on someone's property.

    1. That's a good idea. Most of the installations I see don't bring their trees onto the site in pots. But I'll check into it. Thx!
