Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day. I remember the first one back in 1970, and I have to admit I find the degree of our progress to be discouraging.


  1. ...has there been any progress?

  2. I remember it well, too. At least we have made some progress. There was no way to recycle back then or electric cars or awareness at all. But we could have done much more. Humans are slow. ;)

    1. I think recycling is making us think we're doing something. Fewer cars would be more progress than more and bigger and different kinds of cars. I'm just discouraged.

  3. I disagree there has been much progress,living in the Cleveland area In 1970 the Cuyahoga river which runs right through downtown caught fire on 3 occasions, and every time it rained the beaches along the lake would be littered with fish. Today both are safe to swim in and eat the fish that are caught. The air was so bad in the late sixties early seventies that you could smell the cities as you got closer from suburbia. Not only are cars way more efficient they last twice as long. Your right about recycling largely a joke because there is no market for much of what we use, but we found uses for used car tires turned into playground surfaces some shoes are made from plastic bottles. If we don't demand a utopia and just enjoy the beauty of the world around I think we will realize how good it truly is.

    1. Air and water pollution are much improved, I agree, but the GOP is fighting to prevent further improvement and in fact is fighting to reduce protections claiming that the regulations are a governmental overreach and an infringement on property rights. Nixon iirc created the EPA, but now it's a political thing with Republicans generally lining up against regulation. It's a switch, as with so much else (including gun regulations).

      The oceans are in bad shape, and that is not getting better.

      I'm just discouraged because I remember how hopeful we all were back in 1970, and yet ...

      And I'd love to see less emphasis on cars -ever bigger cars- and more on public transport, but that ain't ever gonna happen. I don't demand utopia. I'm looking at the world as it is. Like with the "We've come a long way, baby" "I am woman, hear me roar" heady days of second wave feminism, I'm jaded with what "progress" looks like :(

    2. I think the problem with regulations are too many are implemented by unelected bureaucrats. Where if congress were doing their job they would be creating legislation and not regulation and be held accountable for add financial burdens weather cost or tax related.

  4. 1970! Now, that was before I was born and when I look at the world... disappointing. That was more than enough time. And so many just don´t care, also here.

    1. Yes, I would've thought we would at least not still be arguing over whether or not we should do anything :(
