Friday, August 09, 2019

Legend of the Phantom Rider

Legend of the Phantom Rider is a 2002 horror western. I've discovered in my search for obscure movies that many of them are obscure for a reason. This one certainly deserves its status as a movie you've never heard of unless you're a fan of horror westerns or of star Denise Crosby (who played Tasha Yar on Star Trek: TNG). I didn't finish it.

from the Imdb site: "Two ancient entities reincarnated through the centuries face off time and again for an innocent soul."

Weird Wild Realm says it "has enough going for it that I did enjoy it, though it's difficult to look at it critically and find it actually successful." The audience score at Rotten Tomatoes is 50%, so half of us will like it.


  1. I never heard of it, but since you say you didn't finish watching it, I'll skip it altogether.

    1. Half of the Rotten Tomatoes audience liked it, so your chances are 50/50

  2. Ugh, Denise Crosby. I was happy when her character got killed off in STNG

    1. I liked Yar and was sorry to see that character killed off. I was not happy with her reappearances as another character entirely.

  3. I DO like Denise Crosby, but not enough to watch this. Thanks anyway!!

    1. This certainly couldn't have helped her career.

  4. Thanks for the warning, I won't watch it! Have a great day, Valerie
