Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rick Steves' The Story of Fascism

The Story of Fascism is a TV episode from Rick Steves. Rick Steves' site describes it:
In this one-hour special, Rick travels back a century to learn how fascism rose and then fell in Europe — taking millions of people with it. We'll trace fascism's history from its roots in the turbulent aftermath of World War I, when masses of angry people rose up, to the rise of charismatic leaders who manipulated that anger, the totalitarian societies they built, and the brutal measures they used to enforce their ideology. We'll see the horrific consequences: genocide and total war. And we'll be inspired by the stories of those who resisted. Along the way, we'll visit poignant sights throughout Europe relating to fascism, and talk with Europeans whose families lived through those times. Our goals: to learn from the hard lessons of 20th-century Europe, and to recognize that ideology in the 21st century.

Does any of this sound scarily familiar?


  1. History repeating itself

    1. It's horrifying to see the similarities :(

  2. I can't wait to watch this. It sounds perfect, especially since I'm really into WWII right now.

    1. It's a limited-focus overview but provides an interesting perspective I think.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I've seen this and it does sound scary and way too familiar. I actually saw Rick Steves in person once and he was a really good and inspiring speaker. And definitely made many of these points clear. Thanks for sharing this. So many people don't even bother to follow or think about what happens you can see why fascism and other government styles get into power. Hugs-Erika

    1. I've watched some of Rick Steves' shows on TV but had not heard of this until someone shared it on Facebook. I'm impressed by how he gets the information across without beating you over the head with it. Our situation is a precarious one, I think, and you're right that so many people aren't trying to think about where we are :(

  4. This series of films has not yet entered my country.
    And I want to watch it.

    1. This particular one is available both on his website and on Youtube if you have access to those.

  5. Sounds good. And it's not over yet.....Valerie

    1. It's disheartening how people don't see the danger :(

  6. Good overview and reminder. I love his programs. :)

    1. I like his shows :) tho I haven't seen many of them.

  7. History always seems to repeat itself ... such a shame we never learn! Happy Friday! Jo x

    1. That is so true! Many today aren't seeing the dangerous parallels.

  8. We saw the special. It was very well done. I wonder if Rick did this as a warning to those of us becoming complacent in our "freedom" . Mr Man & I travel with Rick Steves all the time (via the TV show).

    1. I see people trying to remind us of how we ended up with Hitler, but there are too many actual Nazis out there who seem to think that wouldn't be a bad idea :(

      Armchair travel has definite advantages lol I love the virtual trips I take thanks to blog posts I read :)
