Monday, July 01, 2024

Blue Jean

Blue Jean (Hulu) is an award-winning 2022 British drama film about a closeted lesbian gym teacher in the 1980s. Reviews are positive. It must have been a difficult and stressful life. I hope the environment continues to improve. There were a number of films the various streaming services were recommending for Pride Month, and I've been watching some of them. There are more than I expected.




  1. ...a closet is no place to live.

  2. Another to be saved when Himself isn't around

  3. Sounds like a pretty good film. I have so many in my lists in all my streaming services. Can't possibly watch them all. Used to be for me--so many books so little time. Nowadays it's--so much to watch so little time--lol! And I have more time than I used to have, too. I can't complain. I remember when I would search and search for something to watch when cable first came out. You could have a 100 channels and nothing good to watch--LOL! That has sure changed...and I am so glad it did. :)

    1. Your watchlists sound like mine lol So many movies, and I can't watch 'em all.

  4. It must have been horrible not to be able to live your life to your true self. This sounds like an interesting film. But maybe hard to watch? (emotionally that is.) I'm a day late, but hope it was a good Monday.

    1. Monday was grocery shopping this week, not my usual day. So now I can't remember what day it really is lol
