Monday, July 29, 2024

Made (2001)

Made is a 2001 comedy crime film directed by Jon Favreau and starring Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, and Peter Falk. I watched it for Peter Falk, but that wasn't enough to keep me watching. I didn't finish this one. The characters are just so completely stupid in their choices it's not even funny. YMMV. Most reviews were positive.




  1. I love Peter Falk. When I saw the coffee cup, I thought you were joining us for T this week. One can dream at least.

    1. Peter Falk is wonderful, but there's not enough of him here to make the rest worth it for me.

  2. ...Peter Falk is great.

  3. I have had this problem with a lot of comedies the past decade or two, to be honest. I used to love comedies, but now I rarely ever watch them. What most people consider funny...I apparently don't.

  4. I'm always excited about the films you present. Thanks.
    Although I watch very few films in the summer because I spend a lot of time outside in nature... but it won't be long before it starts again... the enjoyment of films :-)
    hug for you

  5. I haven't heard of this film, and maybe that's why you couldn't finish it. Not because I hadn't heard of it, but because it wasn'y a good enough film to get much acclaim. I hope it was a good Monday.

    1. Could be. I hadn't thought of that. I haven't heard of most of the movies I come across lol
