Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Woman Reading by Lamplight

Woman Reading by Lamplight:

by Carl Vilhelm Holsøe, a Danish artist who died on this date in 1935. Please join us at the T Stands for Tuesday blogger gathering, where a post with any drink reference is your ticket to participate.


  1. This is a lovely painting, Nita.

  2. ...interesting, but the lamp looks too large!

  3. This is a lovely piece. I hope she's reading something good while she has her coffee. Perhaps its about art as she has so much of it on the wall. Happy T day Nita.

  4. Thank you for introducing me to Carl Vilhelm Holsoe, an artist I was unfamiliar with. Lovely tea cups and functional tea pot. I love the paintings on the wall, too. Thanks for sharing this wonderful painting with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  5. What a vast and intriguing house that woman lives in! Today’s rich people have different objects though they still exaggerate some.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. Very moody painting. The lamp seems to be the focus and not the lady reading--lol! Very calming painting, though. :)

  7. Interesting picture - I wish I could paint..... Have a good time. Violetta

  8. I like the painting, looks a lot like my house haha, well the reading by the big lamp bit at least. I wonder who else was there as it looks like someone just got up from that other chair and there is a second cup. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  9. Beautiful painting, thanks! Valerie

  10. Must be quite well off to live in a house with all that artwork.

  11. I am loving this painting! The light cast a glow which really draws your attention to the lady in the chair.
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. She looks like she's in the library of The Breakers. The Summer "cottage" of the Vanderbilts. Happy T Day

  13. What a lovely painting, It looks very cozy and it seems there is a second cup on the table, so she is either expecting company or s/he has already left.

  14. What a beautiful painting. I had never heard of that artist. But he can certainly 'play' with light. Very accomplished.
    Happy T-Day,.
