Saturday, November 07, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden

It's been a hard four years. I'm celebrating today.


  1. Congratulations

    I just hope the GOP can hold the senate and minimize the damage.

    1. I'm assuming the GOP will hold the Senate. Our Senator Marsha Blackburn has already said, "If you care about ensuring our elections are transparent, join me in supporting @realDonaldTrump's legal defense fund" *sigh* I hope they all manage to work and play well together and that McConnell doesn't take the obstructionist position towards Biden he did with Obama. But I'm not hopeful.

    2. See the obstruction is the thing that gives me hope. Holding the senate leads me to believe that people didn't dislike Trump's policies as much as they dislike his demeanor.

    3. I don't see how getting nothing done can give anybody hope :( McConnel just shelves House legislation and judges while not putting forward "sister" legislation that might generate compromise. Obstruction is not the way to get anything accomplished.

    4. Sometimes the need to do something just to do something causes more problems than solutions.

    5. They seem plenty willing to pass tax breaks for the wealthy and push through trump judges while being unwilling to offer a Senate bill to benefit the rest of us in these days or consider the judges offered up by Obama. I mean, McConnell bragged about the reason there were so many judgeships open for trump to fill being because he steadfastly blocked them under Obama.

      I agree "do something even if it's wrong" is a lousy legislative strategy, but we do need help out here.

    6. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to continue talking to me :) Most people block me on FB or just quit commenting here :( I love the discussion and am grateful.

    7. Can't be afraid of ideas and as long as it stays friendly why block someone.

    8. It tends to stay friendly enough until suddenly it's them blocking me. I had a cousin block me because I told her that no the Krups coffeemaker company weren't Nazi collaborators during WW2. You'd be surprised :(

    9. Several of my brothers and sisters kids have gone off the deep and of the leftist pool and are accusing everyone of being ignorant ,evil ,racists.

      Good thing the holidays are probably have to be socially distant.

    10. Yeah, it's best if we keep our more rabid characterizations of the "other side" to ourselves lol But if we can do that -so my relatives can _think_ I'm an evil, baby-killing socialist, but they shouldn't say it out loud to me ;) - we should still be able to discuss politics and the issues of the day. I just find so few who can do that.

  2. ...but soon the really hard work will begin.

    1. At least Biden knows what to expect and how things work. He's said he'll announce a Covid-19 team on Monday.

  3. Yes, hard work ahead, a couple of possibly scary months too, but I feel so much relief and joy right now.

    1. Yes, indeed. I'm concerned about the crowds gathering at his behest in state capitals yelling "we won". :( They don't seem to understand how our voting process works.

  4. I have been dancing all day. It will be tough getting the thing out of the WH but he is going. We have to be vigilant, the next 2 months we can expect anything. Have you seen the HBO series "Years and Years" There is a scenario in one of the episodes about this time right now. I won't give it away.

    1. I am concerned about trump's behavior in the meantime :( He's a vindictive man.

  5. I continue to be cautiously optimistic about the senate, and I hope the supreme court doesn't act as a second branch of the presidency through January 20th.

    1. Georgia is a question, but I'm not hopeful a Democrat will win head-to-head. Too many ignorant souls have bought the "socialism" fear-mongering :( That the Senate has refused to exercise its oversight role is disturbing :(

  6. can I relax yet? The first comment floors me...

    1. Sadly we can't relax yet. And republicans seem to have adopted slander and fear-mongering as their major campaign tactic. How non-wealthy people can support a party whose policies only benefit the wealthy has shocked me since Reagan. I do not understand it :(

  7. YES! Strange the orange seems to hide. Here a news guy announced T wants to fight against the dates...

    1. Trump is not making live statements at all since his Briefing Room debacle, but he's noisy on Twitter and getting flagged for his trouble. His supporters believe him, though, and are convinced he won.

  8. Me, too. I know the trauma is far from over, the litigation will be ugly. But we are on our way to healing and oh, that matters!

    1. The litigation will indeed be ugly, but he's had no evidence for any wrong-doing so far. I hope McConnell will allow healing and not continue to make obstruction his way :(

    2. I just saw a news release that Moscow Mitch has vowed to block as many of Biden's cabinet members nominations as he can. I'm just hoping that once Trump will no longer be in power, some republicans won't feel so afraid that if they speak up, they won't get tweeted back into submission. I don't think Moscow Mitch tweets, but I'm not on Twitter, so can't be sure.

    3. Yes, I was expecting this. I doubt Republicans in any numbers will go against McConnell, but trump has filled positions with "acting" heads so I hope Biden will be willing to move in that direction. There's too much at stake to spend time blocking cabinet members for no reason other than that McConnell likes blocking things.

      McConnell tweets here:
      You can view without having a Twitter account. His last tweet was on the 6th, and he said, "Here’s how this must work in our great country: Every legal vote should be counted. Any illegally-submitted ballots must not. All sides must get to observe the process. And the courts are here to apply the laws & resolve disputes.

      That's how Americans' votes decide the result."

      He's right. That's what's happening. The thing is this: Biden has an insurmountable lead and there's been no evidence of fraud/cheating. The "mainstream media" isn't deciding the election but recognizing the way math works.

  9. Thanks to all who voted, all who fought on the front lines and to those angels that looked over it all. As for the next 70+ days we have to be aware of the damage the "thing" will stow upon us. He is a coward, and I can see him and his family sneaking off in the night to another country so he will escape charges. I could only hope. LOL for now I am dancing for joy.

    1. He did say he'd leave if he lost, but I assumed that was rhetorical flourish lol On the other hand, depending on how things look for him in the NY state courts, he might be a flight risk. I hear Abu Dhabi is nice this time of year ;)

  10. I believe the entire world exhaled a sigh of relief at the election results. But I keep thinking of that scene from Jaws, when the captain is recalling the USS Indianapolis's sinking, that the scariest time in the water was when the rescue operations had begun & your turn was next ... I hope that America doesn't expect the world to be different when everyone wakes up on January 21st - there's SO much repair work to be done. Congratulations to Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

    1. There's a long road ahead, and I expect trump to continue whipping folks up with claims we stole that election from him long after the inauguration.
