Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dark Waters (1994)

Dark Waters is a 1994 horror film about a young woman, who, after the death of her father, goes to a remote island convent where her mother died giving birth to her. There's a lot of atmosphere in this one. concludes with this:
It could easily be said that there is something in Dark Waters for everyone. However, in order to enjoy it, it really needs to be taken as a whole – the dizzying story embraced and experienced. If you’re willing to enter that kind of mindset, that kind of half-fantasy world, Dark Waters has the potential to be understood not only as a creepy religious horror, but as a fine addition to Lovecraftian filmmaking.
Empire Online describes it as "atmospheric, if plot-light".


  1. Interesting. There's a new movie coming out in Nov. with the same title starring Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk). A corporate attorney sides with a farmer to sue DuPont for poisoning the water. Now that's scary!

    1. I should change the title of this post to include the date. We don't wanna get our horror movies confused lol

  2. This Sounds chilling, thanks! Valerie

    1. Whenever I see the word "atmosphere" in a description or review I know chances are I'll like it :)
