Friday, September 22, 2017

Rebel Rousers

Rebel Rousers is a 1970 motorcycle gang starring Cameron Mitchell, Bruce Dern, Jack Nicholson, Harry Dean Stanton, and Diane Ladd. I've never been a fan of biker films, and this one certainly didn't convert me. The cast can't be beat though, and I'll follow them into whatever sub-genre they go.

via Youtube:


  1. Wow, I can't believe it is the entire film, not just a preview. I got all wrapped up in it for the first 20 or so minutes, then decided it was not my kind of film. Thanks for the link, though. I may return to it later.

    1. I find the oddest things online. Sometimes they stay there forever, but sometimes they're gone before my post publishes. I've bought things based on my watching them online, tho, so I appreciate when I can watch them that way.

  2. I tried. With all those good actors...but it was a terrible movie. Pathetically written and poorly directed. Somebody's weird ideas of what bad guys or bikers say and do who's never been around even one in his or her life. Characters inconsistent and plot illogical. Was so silly and bizarre that I never made it halfway. Waste of acting talent.

    1. Yes. It's such a shame to have that much talent involved and end up with this film.
