May Night Salvia |
I live in a townhouse and have no yard, but I do have a patio and thought I'd share some pictures from this Spring. I keep the
pentas for the butterflies and hummingbirds, but I buy new plants every year:
coneflowers came back again but still haven't spread like I'd hoped they would:
daylilies are a common field lily transplanted from the yard where I grew up:
I tried
lavender a couple of different times before I found one that would live, but this one has lasted:
I keep my
oxalis in little pots even though I've heard it's hardy here:
I didn't have much luck with my
zinnia seeds this year, as the chipmunks and birds got to them as soon as I was back in the house. I did get enough to make up a pot, and this is the first bloom:
I've tried the
Shasta Daisy from seed, from plants, in the ground, in pots, and in various places on the patio. It does well at first before gradually fading. It has not once come back. This is my last attempt:
bee balm has begun blooming:
I rooted some
abelia in a pot a couple of years ago, and it continues to do well:
I always keep mint in a pot, too. I use it in lemonade and don't have any trouble using enough to keep it in check:
My houseplants do much better outside than they do in the house. My peace lilies, for example, are very happy:
I have several bird feeders but have no luck getting photos of the birds. I'll keep trying and hope to be able to put up a post featuring them.