Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pariah (2011)

Pariah is an award-winning 2011 drama film about a 17 year old black girl coming to terms with her identity as a lesbian. I watched it (on Amazon Prime) to help broaden my horizons during Pride Month.


NPR describes it as
a tender, sporadically goofy, yet candid examination of emergent identity, a film whose lack of attitude sets it apart from much of the hard-bitten, thug-life storytelling that's dominated African-American cinema for decades. If anything, its source genre is the coming-of-age movie, and though the universe its freshly hatched lesbian inhabits is all black, Rees is blessedly unwilling to confine herself in any kind of ghetto, whether racial, sexual or aesthetic.

Roger Ebert calls it an "impressive debut for writer-director Dee Rees". 95% of Rotten Tomatoes critics love it.


  1. What did you think of it? I haven't seen it, but after watching students discover their sexual identities over the years (in as much as a teacher can observe that process), it sounds interesting. Happy Wednesday.

    1. I found it interesting, especially in the way her interactions went with her parents. I'm glad I've seen it.

  2. That might be one for the watch while Himself is away. He's not into coming of age stories and would probably see this film as a chick flick, another genre he will not watch

    1. I tend to avoid coming of age films, but then I'm trying to broaden my horizons so...

  3. That must be difficult. A black female has enough issues in life. My granddaughter just came out to us as gay.

    1. It can be so hard to come out, even to supportive family. I have a FB friend whose parents kicked her out of the house :(

  4. I'll look for it on Prime since I also want to expand my horizons during Pride Month.

    1. There's more out there than I realized.
