Monday, October 30, 2023

Werewolves Within

Werewolves Within (Hulu) is a 2021 American mystery comedy horror film about a group of people in a small Vermont town who get trapped in a snowstorm only to suspect one of them is a werewolf. This was fun.


Reviews were mostly positive. Roger Ebert's website has a positive review that closes by saying, "Consider this an endorsement of “Werewolves Within,” but also the good heart that's clearly behind it." The Guardian says, "The ensemble ratchets up the hysteria with surgical comic skill, orchestrated superbly by Josh Ruben’s sharp direction." Variety also has a positive review.


The light rain continues, and yesterday we were down to three leaves on the redbud tree.


  1. Your photo of the 3 leaves says it all about the season change.

  2. ...I still have redbud leaves.

    1. My little tree is in a pot. It might hold its leaves longer if it were in the ground, maybe?

  3. The Redbud leaves. Beautiful and sad. Heart shaped farewell

    1. Yes. I hope it blooms in the spring.

  4. Last three leaves! We're expecting snow again today. Been so cold the mere inch we got last week has never melted away. Winter is here.
    I may have to actually watch some of your funny movies tomorrow for Halloween. :) :)

    1. It's down to one leaf today. Snow! Wow! We have a freeze warning out for tonight and tomorrow night, with a predicted low of 31. I don't actually expect it to freeze on my protected urban patio, but I covered the outside faucets just in case. I think we'll watch Young Frankenstein Halloween night. It's been a while...

  5. That poor Redbud is hanging on for dear life. Last night it was 22 F. Glad I winterized everything last week. Tonight it is supposed to get to 26 F. BTW, that film sounds good. Wish I had Hulu.

    1. Low tonight is predicted at 30, but it's going to warm back up into highs in the 70s for the weekend. Hulu has a one-month free trial:

  6. Replies
    1. Who is the werewolf? I'll never tell.
