Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Hulu) is a 1975 musical comedy horror film starring Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, and Barry Bostwick. If you haven't seen this one, why not? It's a must-see. If you have seen it, isn't it past time to watch it again? Absolutely hilarious! And Tim Curry shouldn't be missed. Seriously, if you see Tim Curry's name attached to it, watch it.


Please join me (I'm having a cup of Suisse Mocha) at the T Stands for Tuesday blogger gathering.

Yesterday we were down to one redbud leaf:


  1. That is a classic movie!

  2. ...and the heart shaped leaf has a hole.

  3. The ultimate classic Halloween entry! I didn't realize it was on Hulu. Maybe tonight!

  4. Such a fun movie and Tim Curry is such a delight. The last leaf of the Redbud is so pretty, a heart just hanging on. Happy T Day

  5. Your single leaf is very iconic for the end of autumn.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. Love the last leaf. And the Rocky Horror picture show is fabulous! Happy T Day, enjoy your Mocha! Valerie

  7. I went to a live showing of it in Kansas City one year. I acted as childish as everyone else. You really let your hair down when you join in the fun of this film and play along with the crowd.

    That's a stubborn leaf. It's been forever since I had Suisse Mocha. I love that cup and saucer. It reminds me of my grandmother's Olde Curiosity Shop dinner ware. Thanks for sharing your amazing film and your Suisse Mocha with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nita. Please don't forget to link in.

  8. I remember going to a midnight showing of this with someone who was familiar with the participation of the audience. I couldn't figure out why he had toilet paper, spray water bottles, a deck of cards, etc...and wanted to sit in the balcony of the theater. It was the wildest time!

  9. Great movie for Halloween. I like your tea cup a lot. Lovely color.

  10. Love the lone leaf and your tea cup.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a perfect T for Halloween film. I just can't get over how young Tim Curry and even Susan Sarandon are. And that's another nice tea cup too. I hope it was a super T day Nita.

  12. I love this movie and the music....as it reminds me a bit of me :-). And I love coffee.
    All the best

  13. Classic! We used to go to a cinema in Sydney to watch it, good stuff. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  14. Now this is a Halloween movie I can enjoy! Such a fun movie and Tim Curry is a fab actor too - love it ❤️. Let's do the time warp again ... Ha, ha! Hugs, Jo x
