Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Drink Coffee!

This old ad explains why coffee should be sought out (in ye olde coffee shoppe, of course):
I have Observed that in those Parts where they drink it [coffee] at all times, as at Meals and otherwise, the Inhabitants are not subject to the Stone, Scurvy, Gout, Dropsie, nor many other Diseases which are incident to us here, it being moderately warm, attenuating and dry, so that many crudities and crude Humours by the common use of this Drink are very much Corrected. And I find by Experience, it hath taken also its good Effects in these our parts and Climate; for it being drunk at any time, dryeth up moist and waterish Humors, expelleth Wind, moderately binding and cleansing, it helpeth those who have the Dropsie by its drying quality and is most excellent against the common Distemper: for by the constant drinking thereof it Cured a Learned Bishop of this Kingdom, who had been before left off as Incurable by some of the most ablest Physicians of England (by drinking thereof, as he was advised, with Sugar-candy;) it strengtheneth much the Liver, helpeth the Jaundies, it's good against the Corruption of the Blood, it refresheth the Heart and vitals, it helpeth Swooning, palpitation and weakness of the Heart, and dizziness in the head, it strengtheneth the Stomach, helpeth the want of Appetite, Concoction and pains in the Stomach; in the Brain it helpeth all cold, moist and drowsie distempers, as the Lethargy, Apoplexy, etc. the Steam is good for Rheums in the Eyes, and for pains and noise in the Ears, or dullness of Hearing; it's good against all moist Rheums, if the matter of Phlegm be thick, then sweeten it with Sugar-candy; it's good against Hypochondriack Winds, and the pains of the Spleen; it purgeth by Urine, (a good Drink for those that are troubled with the Stone in the Reins or the Bladder;) it's experimentally good to prevent Miscarriage; it's good against the Gout, Sciatica, and for all Rheums and rheumatick Pains in the whole Body. Are any Surfeited with Drunkenness or Gluttony, let this be their common Drink. Do any eat much Fruit let them drink much of this; in the Spring time when Humors do make good use of this: As to the time of drinking it, at any time of the Day, unless withing two or three Hours of going to Bed, for it hinders Sleep, but its Operation does not last above two or three hours; you may not fear any hurt from the due and moderate Use of it.
Wow! I think I'll have another cup. And then another! Using a huge mug:

And while I thus improve my health with coffee, I'll head over to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what everybody else is drinking on this T(ea) Tuesday.


  1. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Starting the day with a healthy up o' joe!
    --A Pal

  2. At last, scientific research that proves coffee cures - well almost everything. Can I stop drinking water now and switch to cup after cup of coffee? Really got a chuckle out of this.


  3. Now I know why I drink coffee. It's all because of the Humors (and a bit of humor, too). Loved it, dear. Thanks for sharing it during T this week. What a fun way to start the day. I'll also have another cup of coffee. I need it to keep the dropsie away.

  4. At last, verification that my addiction IS healthy :)

  5. This is great, and great news.....LOL!!
    LOVE your colorful cup.
    Thanks for the earlier visit and the nice comment.
    Happy T errrr C-Day

  6. Yes! Bring on the coffee! Very interesting read, and I love that bright and colorful mug. Happy T day!

  7. I'm glad I take heed of the 'due and moderate use of it', lol. What a fabulous piece of history. Thanks for sharing it and Happy T Day :o))

  8. love ye olde coffee

  9. yes, coffee indeed seems to be healthful for some things, depending on what you are measuring, so ye olde coffee & tea ad was yinteresting. What I like is the illuminated letter at the beginning of the article! clever post...happy T day!

  10. Well, reading that could almost make me want to drink coffee! Fun post for T Tuesday!

  11. Well i had my healthy three cups of coffee this morning. :) Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  12. OOO! I shall have to show this to Hubster as he drinks more coffee than I do. I will have to try and see what it says about chocolate and tea.
    Those flowery mugs are in fact my Portmerion storage jars. I have collected Portmeirion since before I was married (1989). The flowers only appear for 2-3 years then they change so the collection is permanently evolving. I used to keep the crockery for "best" until around 10 years ago Hubby came home to find me packing all the other stuff up ready to sell at car boot sales as every day should be "best" day as life is too short!!
    Hugs and thanks for visiting.

  13. loving the colors, tho coffee does not agree with me!

  14. Awesome mug!! And, obviously, drinking coffee will cure all your ills. ;)
    Happy very late T-Day! :)

  15. Brilliant page : D. Coffee is da bomb!

  16. How fun it was to see this, my sister would love this too. How pretty and bright your mug is!! Thanks for sharing this fun ad for us.

  17. Wonderful! Life would be so sad without coffee and tea.

    1. I just met a young man who is allergic to some oil in the coffee bean. It made me terribly sad to hear there was such an allergy.
