Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey There Cthulhu

HT: SFSignal


  1. I met a guy recently expounding upon the virtues of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a group intended mostly to mock organized religion, and after listening to the various fictional "myths" I suggested that Cthulhu made the logical antithesis to his god-figure the Flying Spaghetti Monster. How organized or extant this "church" actually is, I have no idea, and don't feel it is even worthy of my time to research.

  2. I love the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We observe Talk Like a Pirate Day religiously here and hold all Fridays holy. It is a field worthy of research if you like sarcasm and parody.

  3. Talk Like a Pirate Day adds much credibility to this organization. I did not know there was any connection.

  4. Pastafarians didn't originate the day, but they have embraced it as a major observance.
