Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

It's been a very strange year for me, and I haven't been active on my blog for months. (My Facebook life is busier, as I can do that on my phone. Note to CJ: I can access FB messenger now 😜)

My daughter, her husband, and their wonderful baby are all doing well. This baby is, of course, the best baby ever ❤️. Being a granny would be a lot more fun if i weren't sooo far away, but she's giving me daily updates with photos and videos and that helps. We're planning to drive up there and spend a week late this summer or maybe in September. 

I crashed and burned self-care-wise this year, and my recent doctor visit illustrated that fact. I haven't exercised at all, haven't eaten right, haven't taken any of my supplements, haven't worn my weight vest... You get the idea. I've turned over a new leaf now, though, and hope to see improvements. My doctor wants one of my lab tests re-done this week and all the others in six months. We'll see. I would really love to avoid prescription medications.

That said, I hope to get back to my blog and y'all's. I've missed everybody.



  1. Always take care of yourself first other wise you can't put the oxygen mask on any one else. :)

    1. I don't know what's been wrong with me. Everything that's happened this year has been a good thing, but I just sat and stared *sigh*

  2. Oh, I almost forgot happy Mother's day too.

    1. Thx! :) It was a good day. We had a picnic at a local park and watched a Star Wars show in tv :)

  3. ...Happy Mother's Day.

  4. Happy Mother's Day, look after yourself! Hugs!

    1. I'm just not motivated, but I'm trying to make myself straighten up and do right.

  5. We've missed you, too, especially me as I've had to sit on so many political spam memes! You shouldn't have said anything. 😺

    1. roflol! You shoulda been posting them to my FB page. My FB friends would be stealing them ;)

  6. Never heard of a weight vest. So sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well! But that does explain the drop in posts this year. I am always happy to see a post from you. I'm not on social media so I only see you here in blogland. Hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

    1. I've felt ok really. It's been odd. I sit. I stare. I get nothing done :( I had some post scheduled, thinking I'd be back to the blog before they ran out...

  7. I hope you had a fantastic day and I loved that hat you wore too.

  8. You have been missed too! Happy late Mother's Day, Gran! It's a good thing, isn't it, and I'm glad all are well. Wish they were closer, though. I get the self-care thing. It's so easy to fall back. Do take care and good luck with that!

    1. I'm making myself do right, and I really do want to avoid prescription meds, weakness and frailty, and all the extra trials that come with aging.

  9. I hope you can stay on track! It really is tough. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thx! I used to love exercising, and now I need to foster that attitude again *sigh*

  10. I've missed you too! I haven't been blogging as much this year either, only once a week as I have too many other commitments. I was so pleased to hear your news about becoming a Granny and I'm pleased you got to spend so much time with your family and make happy memories with them all 😊. Hope your health gets back on track, you're always so focused so I'm sure you'll be back to everything you need to do soon. Many congratulations on Granny- hood! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks! Yes, being Granny is a whole new relationship. Sweet :) I've re-started walking and am doing 30 minutes a day of that. An easy pace, though, but better than nothing. I'm back to weights and yoga, too. It's such a shock what a year off does!

  11. It's lovely being a Granny/Grandma.

    Do take care of yourself, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Granny! The word warms my heart :)

      Thanks! I'm back on my healthcare routine and hoping to maintain it :)
