Thursday, December 01, 2016

Now the first of December was covered with snow

Sweet Baby James:

by James Taylor

Lyrics excerpt:
Now the First of December was covered with snow
And so was the Turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
Lord, the Berkshires seemed dream-like on account of that frostin'
With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go


  1. A very nice song to feature today. Unfortunately, it's only cold, but no snow in sight.

    Glad you are OK (fire wise). I later read the fires were in the east, and of course, know where Memphis is, so was relieved. I have a friend in Clarksville and another in Knoxville, but they don't have blogs, so I can't easily check up on them.

    1. The fires are scary, aren't they! I've seen a check-in feature on Facebook where people in the affected areas can let folks know they are safe, but I know you're not on FB. It'd be nice if it were easier to make sure folks are ok.

  2. Thanks for posting this song. On the rare occasion I drive through the Berkshires in Massachusetts. Never fails to happen. Its one of JT's best. Although today I think its fairly warm and no snow there either. Hugs-Erika

    1. No snow in sight here. In fact, we have a high today predicted to be 60F lol

  3. I also forgot to mention I have a Christmas movie for you. The Ref- which came out in the 1990's and has Kevin Spacey in it. Thought you might like to check it out. :) Erika

    1. Thx! I'll go ahead and add it to me list. I've never heard of that one.

    2. I just googled it, and it sounds like just my thing. I'll definitely check Spin Street for this one the next time I'm there. Thx for the suggestion! :)

  4. Only leftover speckles of white on the grass here in Fargo. I aways hope people are safe when they get blizzards or other gifts from Mother Nature. :)

    1. Yes, it's scary when the roads are bad :(
