Thursday, July 25, 2013

SFF Books That Inspired Change

Business Insider has a list of 7 science fiction books that changed the world, saying
The great geek works of fiction inspire engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs to dream their biggest dreams — or at least to muster the courage to light the way toward the future. These great books deserve to be celebrated. If you haven't read all of them, you should.
Here's their list:
1. Neuromancer
2. The Shockwave Rider
3. Stranger In A Strange Land
4. The Fountains of Paradise
5. Hyperion
6. I, Robot
7. Cryptonomicon (Begun 3 times, I never finished it. I recently gave it away.)
I've read the ones in bold print and loved each one. I've added Shockwave Rider to my Amazon list. That list is reaching astronomical proportions!

I've forgotten how I came across this link. I don't usually read Business Insider.


  1. One of these days I'll have to dip a toe into the pool of SF books. I've not even heard of any of these.


    1. i'm a huge science fiction fan from way back!

  2. I've only read I, Robot. Must correct this.

    1. hyperion is my favorite from this list. of course, i haven't read stranger in a strange land since high school, and my memory of it has faded just a bit ;)

  3. I've only read I, Robot and I loved it, of course. I borrowed Stranger in a Strange Land from the library, had to return it before I could finish it and haven't found it since. It was very interesting, though and I'd like to try and find it again. This is a great list, I'm going to see if I can get the rest.

    1. my big problem with library books has been that i spend more on fines than i would on buying the book used at the library sale lol

  4. Being a huge Heinlein fan Stranger is my favorite,I've also read the Neuromancer and I Robot. As a side note Stranger in a Strange Land is credited with inventing the concept of a water bed

    1. we had a water bed for decades and loved it! i'm glad i know who to thank. in high school, i read heinlein's books with a pen and notebook beside me. there were a lot of interesting quotes i wanted to give some thought to. i haven't read anything by him in a long time.
