Saturday, October 20, 2018

Train to Busan

Train to Busan is a 2016 award-winning Korean zombie film directed by Yeon Sang-ho. I can't recommend this highly enough. It's more than "just" a horror movie but is a reflection on modern life, relationships, and sacrifice. It's available as of 9/18/2019 on Netflix.


Variety has a positive review. The Telegraph gives it 4 out of 5 stars and says it's "pretty much everything you could possibly want a zombie film to be." The New York Times has a positive review.

Empire Online gives it 4 out of 5 stars and says it's "One of the best horrors of the year: innovative, effective...". The Guardian gives it 4 out of 5 stars and says, "This rip-roaring, record-breaking South Korean zombies-on-a-train romp barrels along like a runaway locomotive," also, "Yeon Sang-ho’s breathless cinematic bullet train boasts frantic physical action, sharp social satire and ripe sentimental melodrama designed to reach into your ribcage and rip out your bleeding heart."

Roger Ebert's site gives it 3 out of 4 stars and opens their positive review by calling it "the most purely entertaining zombie film in some time, finding echoes of George Romero’s and Danny Boyle’s work, but delivering something unique for an era in which kindness to others seems more essential than ever." Rotten Tomatoes has a critics rating of 95%.


  1. Oooh, I don't like zombies.

    1. I'm picky about my zombies. I gave up on Walking Dead early on, for example, but I like the older ones and some of the modern versions.

  2. I actually saw this one. Someone online recommended it--might have been you? Not a horror fan, but this was much better than I expected it to be--yes. May not be my favorite genre but I do watch some of it. I still watch The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, and I watch a few of them. Have to be invested in the characters to put up with the monsters--LOL! And this movie had a surprising depth of character woven into the story. :)

    1. My older son recommended this one to me, and I agree about the depth of the characters. I quit watching The Walking Dead fairly early on. I'm not sure why I quit enjoying it :(

  3. I watched the trailer. Seems both you and the critics agree it's good. It looked scary to me, but not the kind of jump out of your seat scary.

    1. These civilization-ending disease/plague stories are almost always ones I like. There are a lot of different types, and I enjoy the books and movies both..
