Monday, September 29, 2008

7 Fascinating Literary Works for Bookworms

Bookstove has an interesting list of 7 books for bookworms:
One Hundred Years of Solitude (by Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Midnight's Children (by Salman Rushdie)
Breathing Lessons (by Anne Tyler)
Rabbit Is Rich (by John Updike)
White Noise (by Don Delillo)
Catch 22 (by Joseph Heller)
Everything That Rises Must Converge (by Flannery O' Connor)

I've read all of them except for the Rabbit book. I really ought to read the Rabbit series. I've had good intentions along those lines but lousy follow-through.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I've read O'Connor and Heller...

    -- A Pal
