Maybe the sky is falling, but I feel less like I'm in the middle of Chicken Little and more like I'm in the middle of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
First there was the Iraq War, which we had to go do right now, by Jove, or civilization as we know it would come to an end because of all those weapons of mass destruction and Al Qaeda. So we panicked and agreed and sent our young people to die, and why was that exactly?
Then there was the Patriot Act, which we had to do right now, by Jove, or civilization as we know it would come to an end because of all those spies and terrorists. So we panicked and agreed and gave up our Constitutional rights, and why was that exactly?
And now there's a 700 billion dollar bailout, which we have to do right now, by Jove, or civilization as we know it will come to an end because of the impending financial meltdown.
So we are panicking again. It's just that I don't believe them. After all, aren't these the same people who have been saying that the fundamentals of our economy are sound and that everything is fine, just fine? I get the distinct impression that they are making all this up as they go along.
And how exactly will it help for McCain to suspend his campaign and rush back to Washington? If he's that indispensable in the Senate maybe we should draft someone else to run for President. I also don't see the sense in "postponing" the debates. Now of all times, with less than 6 weeks until the election, I need to hear them debate each other.
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