Lectio Divina, holy reading, is a scripture-based form of prayer. That wikipedia article is odd in places, but it has links to some helpful sites. The Order of St. Benedict's site has helpful resources, as does the Carmelite Order. Thomas Keating of Contemplative Outreach has a short explanation and clear instructions.
An example of this practice within the Methodist tradition is at The Upper Room. Another specifically Methodist example is at this story from this year's meeting of the General Conference. It is used as part of this Methodist prayer service, it is recommended in this Methodist newsletter article, it's a part of this 5-week Methodist Bible study. I'm not sure why some Methodists are suspicious of the practice and claim it's "too Catholic", but it is consistent with Methodist practice and belief to participate in this form of prayer.
This site provides short, clear instructions for lectio divina in an easily accessible 1-page format, and this may be the best short explanation I've seen.
The photo at the top of the post is from knowhimonline's Flickr set.
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