Monday, August 13, 2007

H.G. Wells

Today is the anniversary of the death in 1946 of H.G. Wells. He was a historian of sorts and an active socialist, but he is best remembered now for his science fiction writings.

Perhaps his most-read book is The Time Machine. This book, which can be read online here, was adapted for film in 1960. This movie was my first introduction to the story.
Here's the trailer:

Another of Wells' better known works is The War of the Worlds, which can be read online here. The 1953 film version was my first exposure to the story.
the trailer:

Wells' story The Invisible Man always affected me more as horror than as strictly science fiction. I saw the 1933 Claude Rains film long before I read the book. It can be read online here.
Here's a clip from the film:

The Island of Dr. Moreau has also been made into movies, beginning with the 1933 movie starring Charles Laughton and Bela Lugosi. The book is available here.
Here's a clip from the end of the 1933 movie:

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