Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Snowing!

I think this counts as coming "in like a lion" for March, so maybe the month will go out "like a lamb" and Summer will be here soon. It's a pretty snow but unexpected, as it was 70 degrees yesterday.

The Snow that never drifts
Emily Dickinson

The Snow that never drifts -
The transient, fragrant snow
That comes a single time a Year
Is softly driving now -

So thorough in the Tree
At night beneath the star
That it was February's Foot
Experience would swear -

Like Winter as a Face
We stern and former knew
Repaired of all but Loneliness
By Nature's Alibi -

Were every storm so spice
The Value could not be -
We buy with contrast - Pang is good
As near as memory -

Notes from Memphis has some pretty photos taken downtown.

The Daughter took the photo that's at the top of this post.

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