Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is another DVD we watched due to the inspiration of the James Bond blogathon -Licensed To Blog: The James Blog-A-Thon.

Goldeneye (1995) is the first Pierce Brosnan Bond film and the 17th in the series. Yes! I think Brosnan is a worthy successor to Sean Connery. Brosnan doesn't indulge in the comedy, though he does have wit. He's physical, serious without being stiff and seems to have a healthy appreciation for women. And he's got a hairy chest. Brosnan gets to be 2nd after Connery on my favorites list of Bonds I've watched for this blogathon. And this was such a fun film.

The women are varied. We get mindless assassins and mindless, easily seduced "evaluators", but we also get intelligent women with power and brave women who step up. A good mix.

And we get explosions. This makes up for another lack in the Roger Moore film we saw earlier. There are 3 exploding cars (as best as we could count), an exploding tank, a train that explodes twice... The number of vehicle explosions does not disappoint.

The BBC has a positive review here. Moria also has a review. Roger Ebert reviews it here. The New York Times didn't like it. The Washington Post has a mixed review.


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